Our mental health can be fragile. Thus, it is important that we learn to take care of it. If you suffer from anxiety attacks or any mental health issues, we advise you to speak to a professional. Even if you have the slightest doubt that there is something wrong, you are valid to seek help. The thing with mental health is that we sometimes trick ourselves into thinking this is normal. Because of this, several people don’t tend to reach out for help, in fear that they may be making all this up. Thus, we highly encourage you to speak up if you are doubtful. Mental health issues such as anxiety can be triggered at any time of day or during an event. So, here are a few tips on how you can manage your anxiety and its attacks.
Tips To Cope With Anxiety
1. Breathe Slowly
When anxiety strikes, your breathing quickens and becomes shallow. So, the first step is to try breathing slowly. Counting to three before breathing in and out can help. Others find the act of counting itself to be helpful at slowing down your breathing and calming yourself down. Breathing in and out gently from your mouth can be helpful as well. Closing your eyes to focus on your breathing is also helpful.
2. Progressive Muscle Relaxation
When you encounter an anxiety attack, a quiet space can help with calming you down. Close your eyes and start tensing and relaxing your muscles slowly. Do it from your head to your toes and you should hold the tension for about 3 seconds before releasing quickly. For onlookers, instead of asking what you can do to help, start distracting them from their attack. Ask random questions or try to calm them down by engaging them in a conversation instead of asking if they are okay.
3. Stay in the Present Moment
With anxiety, it can make you fear a future that hasn’t and might not even happen. It can make you fear scenarios that haven’t even happened yet. Meditation is a great tip to calm yourself down and bring yourself back to the present. Or, have a little trinket or someone to pull you back to the present moment whenever you feel too far away.
4. Healthy Lifestyle
Living a healthy lifestyle is the number one impact on our mental health. When you live a healthy lifestyle and have the support of friends and family, your stress and anxiety can fade into the background. Doing activities you enjoy, going out for walks and eating well can improve your mental health and wellbeing. All these activities can even help you forget all about your worries as you are having a good time.
5. Small Acts of Bravery
To help you overcome your anxiety, a tip is to take small acts of bravery. The idea is to face something you are anxious about and instead of avoiding it, face it. Similar to facing your fears, you don’t have to go big or go home. Start small. If you are afraid of heights, start by standing on a stool. The best way to face anxiety is learning that your fear will not come true. Taking small steps at a time, you’ll soon be able to overcome your anxiousness. You can even reward yourself at each milestone of an achievement. This can keep you motivated to keep going.
6. Challenge Your Self-Talk
With mental health, how you think can affect how you feel. When you suffer from anxiety, it can make you overestimate dangers and even underestimate your ability to handle them. When faced with an anxious situation, try to interpret it in a different way. Those with anxiety tend to jump to the worst case scenarios. So, your best course of action is to find the facts that prove that thought is untrue.
7. Plan Your Worry Time
Since it is hard to not worry 24/7, a tip is to plan your worry time. Set aside even 10 minutes of your time to indulge all your worries. Even though 10 minutes seems like a little, even a little bit of your time is enough. Taking 10 minutes out of your day every night to go through your worries or write them down can help ease your worries. Your anxiety is also less likely to take over outside of your planned worry time too.
8. Get To Know Your Anxiety
One way you can control and manage your anxiety is by getting to know it. Keep a diary or notes on when your anxiety is at its worst, and when it is at its best. Track and understand the patterns you have. This allows you to plan your day and week to manage your anxiety proactively.
9. Learn From Others
Another tip on how to manage anxiety is by talking to others. Talk to other people that have anxiety or go through the same things you do. Talking to others with experience of anxiety can help you feel less alone. It also shows you that there are others who feel just the same as you. People with similar experiences with anxiety can help each other better too.
10. Be Kind To Yourself
One thing to remember that can help with anxiety is to be kind to yourself. You are not your anxiety. Remind yourself that you are not weak and not inferior. It is okay to feel this way. Give yourself a pat on the back and say: well done today. You did great. Reassure yourself that you are enough.