South East Asia’s beloved comedic maestro, Kumar, is set to bring his iconic humour to Sarawak with his final run of “Kumarsutra: Greatest Hits”. Known for his razor-sharp wit and cultural commentary, Kumar’s performances promise an evening of laughter and entertainment.
“I dream of travelling the world and making people laugh. I’m so blessed to be able to do that and to meet fans from all over. And people from Borneo have always been so welcoming to me. I look forward to going there again!” shares Kumar.
The show will be held at the Pullman Miri Waterfront and Pullman Kuching in March, featuring a compilation of Kumar’s most iconic stand-up routines. Supported by local authorities and government bodies, Kumar’s shows are anticipated to be a highlight for audiences in Sarawak.
Kumar, a celebrated figure across Asia, has entertained audiences for over two decades with his unique blend of humoUr and social commentary. His performances are renowned for their sharp insights into everyday life and societal norms, making him a beloved icon in the region’s comedic landscape.
“Kumarsutra: Greatest Hits” is a culmination of Kumar’s standout performances curated into a high-energy theatrical experience. With sold-out shows across Malaysia and international markets, Kumar’s comedic prowess has solidified his status as an international performer par excellence.
Kumarsutra: Greatest Hits
Venue | Pullman Hotel, Miri and Kuching |
Date | 9 March 2024(Miri)15 March 2024(Kuching) |
Website | Price tickets start from RM98. Tickets will go live on sale starting on Thursday, 10.00 am on February 8 at |
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