Shake Shack, a renowned New York burger chain, announced its first-ever Malaysia store which is set to open next year. They have partnered with SPC Group, South Korean food and beverage company to open 10 stores in Malaysia between 2023 to 2031.
According to Michael Kark, Chief Global Licensing Officer of Shake Shack, “We continue to be blown away by the enthusiasm of our fans throughout the world and are thrilled to announce our further development in Southeast Asia.”
“This represents our sixth country in Asia, and together with the SPC Group, we expect to have more than 45 Shake Shacks across Korea, Singapore, and Malaysia by 2031,” he added.
Over the past five years, both Shake Shack and SPC Group have collaborated in opening 28 stores in Korea and Singapore. “We are eager to deepen the relationship, bringing the brand mission to Stand for Something Good to Malaysia,” said HeeSoo Hur, Vice President of SPC Group Korea.
They are touted as the modern day “roadside” burger stand that features all natural Angus beef burgers, chicken sandwiches and flat-top Vienna beef dogs.
Shake Shack first opened its door in 2004 at Madison Square Park, New York City. Since then, they have expanded to over 350 locations across the United States and 120 locations in various countries including Singapore, London, Hong Kong, Seoul, Philippines, Dubai and more.
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